Suspension Eaters #001

Organisms that feed on suspension (suspension organisms), in some cases, are limited to simply catching particles in the water, detaining them with the help of appropriate devices. A good example is the incomplete-tailed ten-legged crustacean Emerita, found on many sandy beaches of the tropical zone; this animal collects on its feathery antennae a wide variety of small particles that are brought to it by the incoming waves, and then pulls these antennae into its mouth to take advantage of what is stuck between the hairs covering them; in general, it resembles a human who would eat soup with vermicelli, dipping his mustache into it and then sucking them. Some immobile gastropods vermetuses use another device based on the same principle as the adhesive paper for flies, which was used by our grandfathers: the animal secretes a kind of veil from sticky mucus, to which everything that touches it is glued, and then swallows the veil together with the particles stuck to it. In cases where the movement of water is not intense enough and the collecting organ does not come into contact with suspended particles, animals get out of the situation differently: they themselves create a current of water.

This is how sponges work: with the help of special collar cells (choanocytes) with a central flagellum, they create a real water cycle inside their body, from which these same cells capture usable particles moving past them. Spionid polychaete worms also introduce the principle of gluing into this system: they have long tentacles, on the inside of which there is a ciliary groove; various particles glued together by mucus isolated by the tentacles themselves are driven along this groove to the mouth opening. Animals have a more advanced apparatus for obtaining food, in which the mechanism of water absorption is supplemented by a filtration system. Mosses and some tubular polychaete worms — serpulids and sabellids — construct a special fishing apparatus, something like a fishing top (the lophophore of the former, the corolla of the tentacles of the latter). Through this apparatus, covered with mucus, water is driven with various particles suspended in it. However, filtration in this case is rather imperfect, and the intake water current is relatively weak, but there is a large collecting surface. Augsburg escort girl | Germany Escort list